Monday, 31 March 2014

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Mikrotik Hotspot Data Limit Trial

16:26 Posted by Jurgens Krause 34 comments
Mikrotik's hotspot service is quite amazing considering what it costs. It does have some limitations though. One of these is the fact that you cannot set a data limit to the trial account, only a time limit.

Luckily there are a few workarounds for this, the original concept for this comes from but I have corrected a couple of bugs and added some functionality.

Mikrotik The Dude on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server (Step-By-Step)

11:12 Posted by Jurgens Krause , , , , 11 comments

On my network I have a single, low power server, running on my single highsite. This server runs Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS, and it does not have the oomph to virtualize windows for the sake of dude. To this end I have deployed The Dude running under Wine.

Dude is a network monitoring application by Mikrotik that is excellent for monitoring Mikrotik and other SNMP enabled devices.

We will not be compiling anything, opting rather for the easier apt-get installs where possible.

This tutorial is based off the instructions from the Mikrotik Wiki, but adapted for Ubuntu 12.04 and The Dude Version 4.0 Beta 3

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Asterisk PIN based dialing

10:31 Posted by Jurgens Krause , No comments

As an Asterisk administrator, I often have clients requesting the ability to have users enter a PIN before dialing. This is useful on factory floors where users roam between different phones, but still need to be held accountable for their calls. Apart from just authenticating the user, the dialplan also has to ensure that the account code is correctly assigned in the CDR.
To this end Asterisk provides the AUTHENTICATE dialplan application.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Mikrotik Hotspot - How to install Login Page Templates (Step-By-Step)

15:34 Posted by Jurgens Krause , 20 comments
I hope to post new templates as 'n adapt them for my own use, so keep an eye on the templates page.
Please note that some of these I did not create myself, I found them online for free, and adapted them to work with Mikrotik.

To install the template on your hotspot:

1. Connect to your Mikrotik router using winbox
2. Open the "files" window
3. Drag the "hotspot" folder from the zip file onto the root of your router's file system

Remember to check out my login templates here.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Supercharge your mRemoteNG

09:19 Posted by Jurgens Krause , , , , , 2 comments

If you are anything like me you have at least 50 different computers that you need to manage remotely. If you use Putty for ssh, WinSCP for file copies, VNC for desktop access and Microsoft RDP for managing Windows machines, you will know how hard it can be to keep all your logins organized.

mRemoteNG is a fully featured, tabbed, remote access manager. It seamlessly integrates with RDP, Putty, VNC and even has an integrated web browser built in.

What makes mRemoteNG even more useful is it's ability to integrate external tools. Now, for you these may be differ from the ones I find useful, but I will list my favourites as examples.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Asterisk - Outbound Whitelisting

16:07 Posted by Jurgens Krause , 4 comments
There are numerous ways to handle outbound whitelisting on asterisk, but I needed a solution where the end user could simply ftp a text file to the server to update the whitelist.