Wednesday, 30 September 2015
Friday, 11 September 2015
Enable Remote Desktop on Windows Home Editions
Posted by Jurgens Krause
home, professional, rdp, rdpwrap, remote desktop, windows, windows 10, windows 7, windows 8, windows vista
Wednesday, 9 September 2015
Ubiquiti AirOS 5.6 Virtual SSID Step by Step
Posted by Jurgens Krause
airos, airos 5.6, ssid, ubiquiti, virtual, virtual ssid, wireless
One of the big gripes that people have with Ubiquiti is the lack of support for Virtual SSIDs. Here is a step by step tutorial for setting up VSSIDs on Airos 5.6 devices with Vlans back to the upstream router. Please note that you will not be able to use Airmax when you have Virtual SSIDs.
This tutorial is based on information from the Ubiquiti Forums, specifically this post by AnubisSL.
Tuesday, 1 September 2015
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS/ FreeRadius / Postgresql Step-by-step
Step by step instructions for installing
FreeRadius with Postgresql on
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Why 14.04, well it is the current LTS release, and for production environments, I tend to stick to the latest LTS.
I am not going to be going into detail into how to install Ubuntu 14.04 Server, there are enough tutorials on that elsewhere. I need you to get to the point where you have a clean server, with SSH access, and a root prompt.
Installing software
First, let us update the apt-get info:
apt-get update
Now we need to install the basic components, these include:
Freeradius, Postgresql and it's utilities as well as the postgresql module for freeradius:
apt-get install freeradius freeradius-postgresql postgresql postgresql-contrib
This will install all the necessary components, it is normal for the DH Parameter generation to take a couple of minutes.
Configure Postgres
The Postgres installation automatically creates a user called postgres, in order to configure Postgres, you need to log into that account.
sudo -i -u postgres
Now we create the radius user and database, when creating the user, you will be prompted to create a password, make it nice and secure, and make a note for later use:
createuser radius --no-superuser --no-createdb --no-createrole -P
createdb radius --owner=radius exit
createdb radius --owner=radius exit
Change the database authentication from peer to md5 to allow login from the console:
vim /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf
Find the line that matches:
local all postgres peer
and change it to:
local all postgres md5
also find:
local all peer
and change it to:
local all md5
Reload postgresql
service postgresql restart
Import the database schema using the command below:
cd /etc/freeradius/sql/postgresql
psql -U radius radius < schema.sql
psql -U radius radius < schema.sql
Configure FreeRadius to use Postgres
Change the sql configuration as follows:
cd /etc/freeradius
vim sql.conf
vim sql.conf
change the following lines to suit your setup:
database = "postgresql"
password = "yourpassword"
password = "yourpassword"
You will also need to change the login name to leave out the realm when logging in:
Change the sql configuration as follows:
vim radiusd.conf
change the following line:
sql_user_name = "%{User-Name}"
sql_user_name = "%{Stripped-User-Name}"
Also uncomment the line that reads:
$INCLUDE sql.conf
Now uncomment the line that reads "sql" under the authorize{} section, on my default config it is line 177,
also uncomment the "sql" line under the accounting{} section,
also uncomment the "sql" line under the post-auth{} section
also uncomment the "sql" line under the accounting{} section,
also uncomment the "sql" line under the post-auth{} section
cd /etc/freeradius/sites-available
vim default
Also uncomment the line that reads "sql" under the authorize{} section of /etc/freeradius/sites-available/inner-tunnel, on my default config it is line 131
vim inner-tunnel
Restart the FreeRadius server to load the new config, and you should be good to go.
service freeradius restart